MOSCOW, Oct. 3The additional task for transferring income to the budget for the Federal Tax Service (FTS) and the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for 2024 through administration is 0.5 trillion rubles, said Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.
«We are mobilizing revenue sources «, the budget is not easy after all. We made a decision to improve the administration of revenues in terms of the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Customs Service — we gave additional mobilization tasks for 0.5 trillion rubles,» Siluanov said at parliamentary hearings on the draft budget for 2024 and the planning period 2025-2026 years.
He also said that steps are being taken to further adjust the taxation of the oil and gas sector — «in terms of reducing the discount to the oil price that is used for taxation» . In addition, a progressive scale of export duty rates is being introduced in relation to the exchange rate, as well as excise taxes on tobacco, wine products and additional indexation of the recycling fee (in addition to those parameters that were taken into account in the previous budget plan).
< br />«As a result, the volume of revenues next year will amount to more than 35 trillion rubles, the source of financing the budget deficit to finance expenses will be internal loans,» the minister said.