GENERICO.ruКультураIn Britain, a scene from Shakespeare's time was discovered in the ancient town hall

In Britain, a scene from Shakespeare's time was discovered in the ancient town hall

MOSCOW, Oct. 5The only surviving theater stage from Shakespeare's times was discovered in the oldest medieval town hall in Great Britain. As The Times notes, it is believed that William Shakespeare performed on it.
“»An oak stage, believed to be the only one surviving from Shakespeare's time, was discovered at St George's Town Hall in King's Lynn in Norfolk , in the oldest medieval town hall in the country,” the publication said.
Wooden planks several hundred years old were discovered during the restoration of the town hall under two layers of newer floor coverings — the 1950s and the 17th (or 19th) century.

The original floor was laid with wide oak planks between 1417 and 1430. This is evidenced by the technique of laying floorboards and wood analysis, the newspaper writes.

The Town Hall, built at the beginning of the 15th century, originally served as a place for religious meetings, but later turned into a theater. Shakespeare is believed to have performed in King's Lynn in 1593, when the theaters in London were closed due to the plague and he and his troupe went on tour. Records of his receipt of speaking fees remain in the institution's ledger, the Times reports.
William Shakespeare is an English playwright. His plays have been translated into all major languages ​​and form the basis of the world's theatrical repertoire. Most of them were filmed many times.


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