People with many children will not receive 1 million rubles
The Public Chamber once again proposed introducing “father’s” capital. According to the idea of social activists, an amount of 1 million rubles will be given to families after the birth or adoption of a third and subsequent child.
The initiative was prompted by a frightening demographic situation: according to statistics, by 2030 Russia will lose more than 6 million people due to natural decline. Social activists hope that a million in favor of large families will force women to be more active in having children.
It is proposed to call the payment “paternal capital” to emphasize the difference with existing payments.
— But in general it can be called both maternal and paternal. The most important thing is that the recipient must have many children,” explained the idea, the chairman of the commission on demography, protection of family, children and traditional family values of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Sergei Rybalchenko.
This is not the first time such an initiative has been heard. In May, LDPR leader Leonid Slutsky also proposed introducing “father’s capital” in Russia. According to his proposal, a Russian who became a father would receive 500 thousand rubles for the first child and one million rubles for each child after the third.
In each case, Svetlana, a member of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Bessarab criticized the proposal to provide capital to fathers. The federal budget has already been drawn up for the coming years, the parliamentarian said this time. Any amendment must be supported by an appropriate budget line. Today, such a proposal only shakes the air, Bessarab is sure.