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VLADIVOSTOK, November 8 Scientists from the National Scientific Center for Marine Biology named after. A.V. Zhirmunsky Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Oceanology of the South China Sea of the Chinese Academy of Sciences signed a memorandum of cooperation in the field of marine biology, which also includes the resumption of joint research in the South China Sea.
According to the scientific center, a delegation from the Russian scientific center visited the Institute of Oceanology in the Chinese city of Guangzhou.
“A memorandum of cooperation was signed for a period of 10 years. Joint research on taxonomy, fauna and flora, the organization of joint expeditions, the exchange of young scientists and graduate students, and internships were discussed,” the message says.
It is noted that scientific ties have already been established between institutions that conduct research in the tropics and subtropics of the South China Sea. But they require expansion in the light of the new concept of the green economy of the PRC and the development of scientific cooperation between Russia and China.
“The memorandum also includes opportunities for academic exchanges, in particular with young scientists and graduate students, joint taxonomic research, which is a priority for cooperation, and the possibility of organizing a joint voyage to the South China Sea,” said Konstantin Lutaenko, Deputy Director for International Relations of the NSCMB FEB RAS .
At the proposal of the Chinese side, a joint meeting will be organized on the topic of taxonomic research.
Previously, NSCMB scientists worked at the tropical station of the Chinese Institute on Hainan Island to study the algae flora of coral reefs. The center clarified that recently there has been no joint work by employees of the NSCMB and the Chinese Institute in the South China Sea; they were suspended due to the closure of the PRC due to the pandemic.
«We have just begun to intensify cooperation again. Now all efforts are being made to expand it,» the center added.
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