GENERICO.ruРоссияIn Moscow, a man named Prutchenkov was arrested in a case of treason

In Moscow, a man named Prutchenkov was arrested in a case of treason

The Lefortovo District Court of Moscow sent a new suspect of high treason to a pre-trial detention center (Article 275 of the Criminal Code), found “Mediazona” in the court file.

The man’s name is Prutchenkov M.A. The hearing was not announced in advance on the court’s website, and the result was published after working hours.

The details of the charges are unknown. Hearings on cases of treason and espionage are held behind closed doors. After the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the Lefortovo District Court refused to disclose to journalists details about the defendants in such cases, including their full names.

In June 2022, the article on high treason was significantly expanded, adding such clauses as “transition on the side of the enemy» and «providing financial, logistical, consulting or other assistance to a foreign state, international or foreign organization.»

In April 2023, Vladimir Putin signed amendments that increased the maximum punishment in cases of treason — now, instead of 20 years in prison, courts will be able to impose sentences of up to life imprisonment on defendants.


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