MOSCOW, November 14 Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to develop and approve a program for the development of the electric power industry in the Far Eastern Federal District until 2050 and report by July 1, 2024, according to the Kremlin website.
«To be developed by the Government of the Russian Federation jointly with the joint-stock company «System Operator of the Unified Energy System», the associations «NP Market Council» and «Council of Energy Producers», the state corporation «Rosatom», the public joint-stock company «Federal Hydro-Generating Company — RusHydro», an all-Russian public organization » Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs», the state development corporation «VEB.RF» and approve the program for the development of the electric power industry in the Far Eastern Federal District for the period until 2050, aimed at unlocking the economic potential of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of it, providing for the use of a project financing mechanism to create energy infrastructure, as well as ensure the implementation of this program,” says the list of instructions.
The report must be submitted before July 1, 2024, then once a year. Those responsible for execution are Chairman of the Government Mikhail Mishustin, Chairman of the Board of System Operator Fyodor Opadchiy, Chairman of the Board of the NP Market Council Association Mikhail Bystrov, Head of the Council of Energy Producers (CPE) Dmitry Vologzhanin, General Director of Rosatom Alexey Likhachev, General Director «RusHydro» Viktor Khmarin, President of the «Higher School of Economics» Alexander Shokhin, Chairman of the state corporation «VEB RF» Igor Shuvalov.