GENERICO.ruЭкономикаPutin instructed to make decisions to implement the development of the Eastern training ground

Putin instructed to make decisions to implement the development of the Eastern training ground

MOSCOW, November 14 Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Cabinet of Ministers, Russian Railways, Bamtonnelstroy-Most, with the participation of Gazprombank, to make decisions by December 15 to begin implementing the third stage of development of the Eastern training ground, the Kremlin said.
The list of instructions was given based on the results of the Eastern Economic Forum, which was held in September 2023.

“The Government of the Russian Federation, together with the open joint-stock company “Russian Railways”, the joint-stock company “Bamtonnelstroy-Most” and with the participation of the joint-stock company “Gazprombank”, make decisions to ensure the start of the implementation of the third stage of development of the Eastern railway range, including determining the parameters for its implementation , to consider the possibility of starting architectural and construction design and construction of capital construction projects of this stage before the end of 2023. The deadline is December 15, 2023,” the message says.

Russian Railways are currently implementing the second stage of development of the Eastern training ground worth 1.1 trillion rubles. It is designed until 2024 and provides for an increase in carrying capacity to 180 million tons from 158 million tons in 2022. The Russian Railways holding is carrying out pre-design work on the third stage. It is divided into substages based on the forecast for an increase in cargo turnover. The first assumes an increase in carrying capacity to 197 million tons.
Russian Railways reported that in order to achieve the carrying capacity of the Eastern range by 2032 at least 255 million tons per year, the construction of new engineering structures is necessary. In particular, we are talking about the creation of the second Kodar tunnel, the second Kuznetsovsky tunnel, the second Severomuysky tunnel and a bridge over the Amur River. As part of the EEF 2023, Russian Railways entered into an agreement on the joint implementation of these four projects with Gazprombank and Bamtonnelstroy-Most.
The cost of implementing the third stage of development of the Eastern range, which includes the BAM and the Trans-Siberian Railway, with an increase in carrying capacity to 255 million tons is estimated at 2 trillion rubles, Deputy Minister of Transport Valentin Ivanov told reporters.


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