GENERICO.ruНаукаDeputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko said that Russia has stopped the “brain drain” from science

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko said that Russia has stopped the “brain drain” from science

Our country ranks fifth in the world in terms of the number of scientific personnel

79% of Russians are proud of the achievements of domestic science, and 65% of parents want their children to choose a scientific path. Such data from fresh sociology from VTsIOM was announced on Wednesday at the “government hour” by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko. He emphasized that in two years Russia has managed to overcome the trend of outflow of scientific personnel.

Our country is in fifth place in the world in terms of the number of scientific personnel Photo:

Now Russia is in fifth place in the world in terms of the number of scientific personnel, Dmitry Chernyshenko told State Duma deputies. He noted that the budget for the upcoming three-year period takes into account all the needs of the scientific sector. They will be paid “in full ruble,” the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized.

— Positive dynamics allow Russia to maintain fifth place in the number of scientific personnel in the world, and we will consolidate this success, said Chernyshenko.

The deputy chairman of the government recalled that the national project “Science and Universities” sets a goal — Russia should enter the top ten countries in terms of scientific research.

— Everything is going well. We are in ninth place for now, but we want and strive to go further,” he assured.

Chernyshenko confirmed his aspirations with numbers: 740 youth laboratories have been created in the country, their number is planned to be increased to 900. The instrument base of leading organizations engaged in research and development has been updated by 44%. 77 scientific centers have been opened that carry out advanced fundamental research in the priority areas of scientific and technological development, mathematics, breeding, seed production, and genetics. All of them made it possible to create more than 2 thousand new technologies, which are already being actively implemented.

In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers created a new “essence” — megaprojects. There are ten of them in total, in key sectors of the economy. For example, within the framework of the drone megaproject alone, there are nine areas. The main emphasis is on our own development and production of all spare parts for UAVs. In addition to scientific research, personnel are also needed here.

“Right now, a very hot topic for us is domestic components for unmanned aircraft systems. First of all, there are power plants, on-board computers — all this is implemented. It is planned to train 65 thousand people by 2030,” said Dmitry Chernyshenko.

Another megaproject is in microelectronics. Chernyshenko noted that now we have only 8% of our microchips. He emphasized that by 2030 the import substitution rate in this industry should reach 70%.


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