GENERICO.ruВ миреIraq says operations against US forces will continue

Iraq says operations against US forces will continue

MOSCOW, December 9 «Islamic resistance in Iraq,» which includes Shiite armed groups, will continue operations against American forces in the country until the withdrawal of their «last soldier» from Iraq, follows from the statement of the groups.
The «Islamic Resistance in Iraq» confirms the continuation of its jihadist operations against the occupying (American — ed.) forces until the last soldier leaves our country,» the statement said.

In addition, Iraqi groups said they carried out 11 operations on Friday, firing dozens of missiles and drones at US bases in Syria and Iraq.

On Friday, a local source reported that the US base was at the oil fields in the city of Shaddadi in the Hasakah province in northeastern Syria came under rocket fire and four rockets were fired at it.
Previously, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said that the number of attacks on US targets in Iraq and Syria had increased to 78, with 66 injured military.


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