GENERICO.ruПолитикаPutin thanked Zorkin for the constructive work of the Constitutional Court

Putin thanked Zorkin for the constructive work of the Constitutional Court

MOSCOW, December 12 Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Valery Zorkin for the constructive work built in court.
«The government, the administration, everyone proceeds from the fact that decisions of the Constitutional Court are not subject to discussion, they are subject to execution. And I in every possible way encourage my colleagues to do just such work. This is how we will continue to interact with the Constitutional Court. I want to thank you for «The way this work is constructively structured is fundamental, but constructive. I know that sometimes difficult issues arise in interaction with the executive authorities, well, in fact, this is what the Constitutional Court is for, to monitor compliance with the norms of the fundamental law of the country,» Putin said during a meeting with Zorkin.


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