GENERICO.ruПроисшествияA window frame in Moscow collapsed from the 20th floor onto a woman and child

A window frame in Moscow collapsed from the 20th floor onto a woman and child

A window frame in Moscow collapsed from the 20th floor onto a woman and child

Capital Main Directorate The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported that a criminal case has been opened under the article “Provision of services that do not meet safety requirements” based on the fact that a window frame fell on a woman and a child.

As the investigation found out, in Moscow on November 30, on Gerasim Kurin Street, a window frame fell from the 20th floor and fell down on a woman who was carrying a child in a stroller.

The Russian Investigative Committee reported that the life of the woman and her one-year-old child is now not in danger. Investigators are now interviewing eyewitnesses and studying CCTV footage.


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