GENERICO.ruНаукаRussians were taught how to check a smartphone for wiretapping

Russians were taught how to check a smartphone for wiretapping

MOSCOW, January 29 In order to check who is listening to your smartphone, there are several effective methods, a teacher at the KB-1 “Information Security” department told the Prime agency. RTU MIREA Vasily Shutov.
First you need to evaluate the obvious points: overheating of the device, spontaneous switching on and off, failures, battery discharge rate. This can be caused by both objective reasons and spying actions.
Then you should check your smartphone using anti-virus programs or special USSD commands. “There are different commands for different types of devices — they are easy to find on the Internet,” says the expert. Any dubious or obviously unnecessary applications found should be removed. Even more effective is resetting your smartphone to factory settings and installing new software.

But all this will only help track unprofessional espionage. If we are talking about operational-search activities, an ordinary Russian most likely will not even suspect it, concluded Shutov.


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