Users from Russia reported interruptions in the Internet; Sites with the top level domain RU , reports the Durov Code telegram channel. Pages with such a domain cannot be opened from other countries, added journalist Dmitry Kolezev.
The authors of “The Durov Code” explained that the cause of the failure was a breakdown of DNSSEC, an extension for DNS that allows minimizing attacks related to DNS spoofing. addresses when resolving domain names. For example, to prevent addresses from being spoofed, DNS responses are digitally signed.
“Currently, users are complaining about problems with access to the websites of large banks, marketplaces and other services frequently used by Russians,” says the publication of the Telegram channel.
Later, the Ministry of Digital Development confirmed , that the technical problem is indeed related to DNSSEC.
“The technical problem related to the global DNSSEC infrastructure that caused the unavailability of sites in the .RU zone has been resolved. Problems with the DNS may continue for some time until the updated data is distributed throughout the domain name system,” the department said three hours after the first reports of failures.
As the lawyers of Network Freedom clarified, such a breakdown could have been caused by “experiments with the creation of a national domain name service.” They added: “Russian authorities have long warned that they would try to move all users in the country to a national DNS server. This is probably what is happening now with a lot of sites in the .ru zone.»
Updated at 22:28. Information from the Ministry of Digital Development on how to fix the problem has been added.