MOSCOW, January 30 The technology of implanting the Neuralink neurochip raises many questions because it looks less safe for the human brain than a similar implant from the Australian company Synchron, because in the process As the sensor moves into the brain, slight damage to some surface areas may occur, said Vladimir Kozlov, market expert of the National Technology Initiative NeuroNet (NeuroNet).
He noted that Neuralink is not the first to implant a chip. In 2022, Synchron implanted a neural interface for the first time in a patient from the United States. The company announced the technology itself back in 2016. As the developers explained, the device acts as an intermediary between the mind and the computer: it promises the ability to control the mouse of a personal computer.
“If the Synchron implant is designed as a way to immerse the sensor inside the vessels (this is a mesh that fits into the spacer of the vessel, taking data and, naturally, allowing blood to flow calmly), then the Neuralink implant is planned to be implanted into the human brain, at the points where they want developers. That is, slight damage occurs to some superficial areas of the brain due to the fact that a sensor is advanced through them and inserted into the brain. These are different technologies, and Neuralink technology is less safe than what Synchron offers,» Kozlov noted.
According to NTI Neuronet market expert Denis Kuleshov, the installation of neuroimplants is not an extremely advanced and innovative achievement — many similar operations are carried out in the USA and many other countries. Neuralink's first operation brings the company closer to further certification of a medical device for use by paralyzed people.
“From a technology point of view, the Neuralink implant offers a number of innovations — a sufficiently large number of implanted electrodes could potentially allow patient commands to be quickly and accurately recognized and sent to the computer, and a surgical robot will reduce risks for patients,” Kuleshov added
On Tuesday American entrepreneur Elon Musk reported that the first person received a Neuralink implant and is feeling well. According to Musk, the first data obtained on the operation of the device show promising results. Musk later wrote that Neuralink's new device is called Telepathy. It gives the owner the ability to control a smartphone or computer using the power of thought and is primarily created for people who have lost the ability to use their limbs.