MOSCOW, February 5 The cost of the main types of automobile fuel on the St. Petersburg International Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange (SPIMEX) increased on Monday, as follows from trading materials.
The price of AI-92 gasoline according to the territorial index of the European part of Russia on Monday rose by 1.29%, to 46,356 rubles per ton, AI-95 — by 0.24%, to 53,475 rubles.
The cost of summer diesel fuel also increased during the trading day: this type of fuel rose in price by 0.17% — to 53,336 rubles per ton. The price of interseasonal diesel fuel rose by 0.28%, to 53,005 rubles per ton. At the same time, winter diesel fuel fell slightly in price by 0.05% — to 53,698 rubles per ton.
At the end of the trading session, the price of fuel oil decreased: by 2.53%, to 21,801 rubles per ton. Liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LPGs) fell in price by 2.14%, to 22,627 rubles per ton, jet fuel — by 2.7%, to 76,606 rubles.
Exchange prices for fuel in Russia last year remained at record levels for several months. The growth rate and retail prices significantly accelerated. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation introduced a ban on the export of petroleum products from September 21. Two weeks after this, the government gradually began to ease restrictions, including completely lifting the ban on the export of gasoline and partially on the supply of diesel fuel.
In December, the wholesale cost of petroleum products decreased significantly. However, this was not fully reflected in small wholesale, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation reported. The department also noted that a number of oil companies do not fully follow the recommendations of the authorities on additional supplies of fuel to the domestic market, which may lead to a violation of the criteria for the regularity and uniformity of fuel sales at exchange trading.