MOSCOW, February 5 Head of the Safe Internet League Ekaterina Mizulina, answering a question from a schoolchild from Yekaterinburg about the possible blocking of VPN services from March 1 2024, said that it is impossible to completely block them.
Earlier, Roskomnadzor reported that from March 1, 2024, a ban on the popularization of VPN services that provide access to prohibited sites will come into force in the Russian Federation.
“Proxies, anonymizers, VPN services — they cannot be blocked completely. Each of you and I can create our own proxy at home, and no one will see it. There’s nothing particularly difficult here for a person with knowledge,” Mizulina said, publishing a full answer on her Telegram channel.
The head of the Safe Internet League also noted that it is necessary to completely limit the operation of large VPN services in Russia is technically and physically impossible. “It will be impossible to limit this 100%, it is simply technically impossible, just physically. And, of course, we are only talking about large services that provide such services to a large number of users,” she clarified, adding that “a free VPN is a portal in hell».
“»Your data is pumped out of devices endlessly, and they are absolutely vulnerable, they are transferred to third parties. And thus, many fall into the clutches of scammers and other bad people,» said the head of the «Safe Internet League.» Mizulina also recommended not using a VPN, since “this is a very big hole in your device.”