GENERICO.ruНаука"Penguin with an egg": NASA spoke about an unusual space object

«Penguin with an egg»: NASA spoke about an unusual space object

MOSCOW, July 13. NASA's James Webb Space Telescope captured the galaxies NGC 2936 and NGC 2937 in the shape of a penguin with an egg, the telescope's official account on the X social network reported.
«Penguins are great parents, even in space. <… “The new photo from Webb shows two galaxies: Penguin (NGC 2936) and Egg (NGC 2937) <…> They are in a cosmic embrace, connected by a bluish haze of stars and gases,” the message says.
The agency added that the “penguin” and the “egg” have been approaching each other for tens of millions of years and will eventually unite into one galaxy. The current distance between NGC 2936 and NGC 2937 is approximately 25 times less than between the Milky Way and the nearest galaxy.

The publication is timed to coincide with the second anniversary of the first photos taken by “James Webb”. This is the largest and most powerful space telescope launched by mankind. It is capable of detecting relatively cold planetary bodies located at distances up to 100 astronomical units from the parent star, as well as obtaining the spectral lines of these planets. No other telescope can do this yet.
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