MOSCOW, July 13 State Duma Deputy Anton Gorelkin in the Telegram channel urged not to believe reports that the regulator is allegedly slowing down WhatsApp, Telegram and YouTube.
“You shouldn’t believe the insinuations that WhatsApp, Telegram and YouTube are already slowed down,” he wrote.
< br />The deputy explained that Roskomnadzor has the technical ability to slow down the traffic of almost all digital platforms, but it will not do this without the necessary legal grounds. In addition, in accordance with the law, a slowdown in the traffic of a particular platform throughout the country will necessarily be preceded by both warnings to the platform and a corresponding public statement.
In the case of YouTube, the reason for the deterioration in speed and quality is entirely on the conscience of Google, which has stopped serving caching services in Russia, Gorelkin added.
“It’s impossible to stop this process without the company’s participation, but I don’t see any point in speeding it up either: the more natural the flow of the Russian audience to domestic platforms, the better,” the deputy concluded.
On the eve of Rostelecom warned of a possible slowdown in YouTube video hosting. He cited technical problems with Google equipment as the reason, which could affect the download speed and quality of video playback for subscribers of all Russian operators.
The Kremlin noted that there are no plans to block access to video hosting, and difficulties in its work are due to the fact that that the equipment has not been updated for more than two years, after Google left the Russian market.