MOSCOW, July 13Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on backbone territorial grid organizations (STSO) and the introduction of automatic remote control of operating modes of electric power facilities. The corresponding document is posted on the portal for the official publication of legal acts.
The law provides for the creation in each region of the country of STSO as a single center of responsibility for reliable energy supply at distribution network facilities. STSO will work in a “one-stop shop” mode for consumers and energy sales organizations, as well as operate ownerless power grid facilities and eliminate large-scale accidents on the networks of other territorial network organizations (TGOs) by decision of regional headquarters for ensuring the safety of power supply.
It is planned to assign systemically important status to the largest TSO in the region based on criteria approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation. On the territory of Moscow, the operation of two PTSO is allowed, which is due to the technological state and topology of the networks (mainly these are cable power lines that are not exposed to weather).
At the same time, organizations under the control of foreign investors are prohibited from carrying out electricity transmission activities as STSO or TSO. It also provides for the participation of TSSO in the consideration of projects of investment programs of TSSO located in the same region. Representatives of TSSO will be required to be involved as experts when discussing in the regions proposals on tariffs for electricity transmission services over networks owned by TSSO.
Economically justified expenses of STSO, planned and (or) actually incurred in connection with the performance of their duties, will be included in the prices (tariffs) for electricity transmission services. An exception is made only for expenses taken into account when setting fees for technological connection, and expenses for liquidation (based on decisions of the regional headquarters) of emergency situations at the facilities of other TCOs, which must be reimbursed on the basis of an agreement on the procedure for using such a facility.
The law will also create conditions for the gradual creation and introduction of digital information models, introduce intelligent control systems and automatic remote control of the operating modes of electrical network and generation facilities from dispatch centers. The law comes into force on September 1, 2024.