GENERICO.ruКультураFamous Novgorod historian Sergei Troyanovsky died

Famous Novgorod historian Sergei Troyanovsky died

VELIKY NOVGOROD, July 15 The famous Novgorod historian, chairman of the Novgorod Society of Lovers of Antiquity, journalist Sergei Troyanovsky died at the age of 55, reports the press service of the regional Ministry of Culture.
As relatives clarified on Troyanovsky’s page on the VKontakte social network, the historian died on Monday night from pulmonary thromboembolism.

“At the age of 56, Sergei Viktorovich Troyanovsky, candidate of historical sciences, historian, archaeologist, chairman of the Novgorod Society of Lovers of Antiquity, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, suddenly died,” the message says.

It is specified that Troyanovsky is the author of more than 90 publications in domestic and foreign scientific publications. Defended his thesis on the topic “Novgorod Detinets in the X-XV centuries according to archaeological data” in 2001. Recently I have been working on a re-edition of my work “Veliky Novgorod. Weeks of History”.

It is noted that farewell to Troyanovsky will take place on Wednesday in the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


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