Paradise at the dacha
This dacha season in central Russia, low-maintenance gardens are again in demand. It is formed from perennials (hydrangea, common ostrich, astilbe, hosta), which tolerate shade well, and evergreens (thuja, juniper, fir, spruce, pine). “MK” announced this at the exhibition of individual housing construction. CEO of Ecogarden Zakhar Zhukov.
Low-growing cushion-shaped coniferous plants complement a low-maintenance garden well — dwarf pine Pumilio and mountain pine Mugus. “The culture of beautiful ornamental gardens has recently begun to take root in our country. Many Russians are ready to build beautiful country houses, buy expensive kitchens and porcelain stoneware countertops, but at the same time form a garden on their site according to the residual principle. Few people believe that after the implementation of a high-quality landscape project, one hundred square meters of land will cost from 1 to 2 million rubles.”, — Zhukov reported. According to him, increasingly, landscaped plots beyond the Oka River in the Tula and Kaluga regions are more expensive than “bare” ones. plots in the near Moscow region.
In central Russia, linden, maple, birch, rowan, spruce and pine trees take root well. Of the fruit trees, apple, cherry, plum and pear trees are unrivaled. But winged euonymus seedlings brought from European nurseries or apricot grown in Kuban have very little chance of taking root on the soil near Moscow. “You shouldn’t chase capricious fashion by planting exotic trees and shrubs near your country house. You need to focus primarily on the native climatic zone of the plants and their unpretentiousness,” — the expert concluded.