GENERICO.ruЭкономикаMedia: banks began to raise rates on preferential mortgages for some Russians

Media: banks began to raise rates on preferential mortgages for some Russians

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MOSCOW, July 18. Some banks began to raise loan rates for borrowers who took out more than one preferential mortgage, writes RBC.
“If an “extra” preferential mortgage is identified, then for one of them the bank has the right to raise the rate to the market value. At the same time, we work with each client on the situation that arose in connection with changes in legislation and after the cancellation of the preferential mortgage program with state support from July 1.” , — a representative of Sberbank told the publication.

Vice President of Dom.RF Bank Kirill Varentsov told RBC that cases of violation of the rule according to which a client takes more than one preferential mortgage are rare, but in this case the bank actually raises the mortgage rate for the violator.

The publication recalled that in December last year the rule “one preferential mortgage per person” came into effect. There are only exceptions for a family mortgage — it can be taken out again in two cases — if another child is born or if the previous mortgage is paid off before applying for a new one.
«It is important to understand that banks strictly follow these rules and any attempts to circumvent may lead to a revision of the terms of the loan,” emphasized the head of the Yakovlev and Partners legal group, Maria Yakovleva, in an interview with RBC. Those who disagree with the bank’s decision can file a complaint with the regulator or go to court, she added.
The publication points out that credit histories do not contain details about preferential mortgages, which makes it difficult to check the availability of already issued loans, and although banks use a database for verification «Dom.RF», this does not guarantee one hundred percent accuracy.


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