GENERICO.ruПолитикаNATO is about to hand over to the Ukrainian Armed Forces a more serious and dangerous aircraft than the...

NATO is about to hand over to the Ukrainian Armed Forces a more serious and dangerous aircraft than the F-16

Expert: “We need to prepare for the worst case scenarios”

The Ukrainian Air Force can receive not only the old American F-16 fighters, but also heavier, and therefore more dangerous, F-15s. A former fighter pilot and host of the Fighterbomber channel told us why this machine is dangerous and whether Ukrainian pilots will be able to quickly master this aircraft.

Expert: “We need to prepare for the worst scenarios

The news that, along with the F-16, heavy American F-15 Eagle fighters could be transferred to Kyiv began to accelerate after a reward of 15 million rubles was announced for the first downed NATO aircraft. The list of generously awarded recipients also included the F-15 Eagle. Military experts concluded that our leadership may be aware of NATO’s plans to transfer aircraft of this type to Ukraine. 

A military expert, a former fighter pilot, and the administrator of the Fighterbomber channel called for preparation for any development of events. However, he noted that in any case, the F-16 will be handed over to the enemy first, because this aircraft is “simpler and easier to maintain,” as well as cheaper. And later, the Americans, most likely, “will decide to move to a new high-quality level of supplies.”

According to the pilot, the F-15 heavy air superiority fighter is a new level. At the same time, if they decide to transfer it to Kyiv, then Ukrainian pilots will face a number of serious problems:

“This aircraft is more serious and dangerous than the F-16, but it is also more difficult to maintain, more “breakable”, twice as many pilots need to be retrained for it (since it has two crew members), plus the engineering and technical staff need to be retrained again,” the aviation expert wrote.

He also added that it is more likely In general, Ukraine won’t be able to recruit as many pilots, so Ukrainian pilots “should be heavily mixed with the US military personnel who “suddenly ended their contract.” 

The expert recalled that we have complete information on the F-15 at our disposal: all its tactical and technical data, capabilities, maneuverability characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. “We need to prepare for the worst scenarios. We must study, or…,” the aviation expert concluded meaningfully.


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