GENERICO.ruНаукаRussian scientists patent a unique medical glove

Russian scientists patent a unique medical glove

You can defeat two illnesses at once with the help of colored marks

A training glove, with the help of which doctors will be able to solve two problems of neurological patients at once, was invented by specialists from the capital's Scientific Center of Neurology. It helps in conducting classes to restore impaired finger movements and short-term memory.

You can defeat two ailments at once with the help of colored marks Photo: FGBNU NCN

The inventors carefully studied the experience of their predecessors. As a rule, similar training devices help solve only one of the tasks set — either restoration of finger movements or restoration of short-term memory. For example, a training device-stairs: a patient, restoring the ability to move his fingers, “steps” them along mini-steps. The authors of the new development point out that such a monotonous exercise tires those recovering with its monotony and does not affect memory restoration at all.

The invention of the capital's neurology center solved the problem of restoring short-term memory with the help of multi-colored marks. In shape, it is an ordinary glove with five finger elements and a cuff, the peculiarity is in the marks. On the palmar part, 15 marks are applied: a small one on the phalanges of the fingers and a large one on the palm. On the back — 10 marks, they are applied to the two outer phalanges. The marks can be of any shape: round, square, triangular, etc., the main thing is that they are clearly visible and distinguishable from each other.

During the exercise, the patient leans one mark against the other. The authors of the development suggest starting with touching the red mark of the index finger to the red mark of the thumb, since at first the exercise should be simple. Then it becomes more difficult. During the training, the patient not only develops the fingers, but also remembers their names, as well as the names of colors. The developers claim that their invention turns the restoration of finger mobility and short-term memory into an interesting and attractive training for patients.


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