The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine has launched a pre-trial investigation following the appearance on the Internet of a photo that allegedly shows the body of a Ukrainian prisoner of war dismembered by Russian soldiers. This was reported by the agency.
A photo of the body of a murdered man wearing a T-shirt with the inscription «Everything will be Ukraine!» appeared in several pro-war Telegram channels on August 2. The corpse's arms, legs, and head were cut off. Fragments of camouflage pants worn by Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers and trekking boots are visible on the victim's legs.
The day before, on August 3, the Commissioner for Human Rights in Ukraine Dmytro Lubinets reported on his Telegram channel that he was preparing an appeal to the Red Cross and the UN regarding the alleged brutal murder of a Ukrainian Armed Forces serviceman.
«This is not just a violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, this is the behavior of monsters! I would like to point out that, according to the norms of international humanitarian law, no prisoner of war may be subjected to physical injury, violence or murder,” the ombudsman wrote.
The authors of the Astra Telegram channel also write that the photo shows signs of editing. The TruFor algorithm used by the journalists showed a 47% probability of forgery. Traces of possible editing are visible on the severed limbs and part of the torso.