The program will help you save for your dream pension
There are many tools in the country's financial market to save and increase your funds. Shares, securities, mutual funds, gold… Since January 1 of this year, the long-term savings program (LTSP) has been in effect in Russia. According to the Ministry of Finance, 900 thousand people have become its participants. The rest may have a legitimate question: to join or not to join the project, will it allow you to save for your «dream pension»? After all, there have been many programs — good and different, but there is no more money in your pocket.
Few people in Russia count on annual pension indexation: it is carried out based on the inflation rate. Inflation can be different: according to government statistics, it is one thing, and in the store it is completely different, twice as high. In general, saving the drowning… According to various sociological surveys, about 60% of Russians try to buy less in order to save up some pennies for old age.
Today, no one hides money under a pillow or mattress — atavism, the Stone Age. The first thing that all Russians know is a high-interest bank deposit. This is, one might say, the hit of the season — at 20% per annum, or even higher. However, serious analysts do not discount the long-term savings program.
According to it, the state makes deductions for a certain amount of the participant's contribution to the Independent Pension Fund (NPF), that is, it co-invests the investments for ten years. No more than 36 thousand rubles per year. In order for the program to be as popular as possible, another benefit is provided: a tax deduction of no more than 52 thousand rubles per year when paying contributions up to 400 thousand rubles. In July, more than 900 thousand participants were registered, putting 36.5 billion rubles into their accounts.
The minimum term of the PDS is calculated for 15 years, after which women can withdraw funds from the account upon reaching 55 years of age, and men — 60 years. This is where the «time bomb» lies. For 15 long years, from month to month, the employee deducts a certain amount to the PDS, the state is also not on the sidelines — it co-finances. But who knows what will happen in 15 years with the economy, with the financial system, with money? And the question arises: what is more reliable and profitable — a bank deposit or a long-term savings program?
— A bank deposit is profitable in the short term, when interest rates are high, — explains financial analyst, PhD in economics Mikhail Belyaev. — However, it is important to understand that these rates will not last for 15 years. Someday they will return to normal, to symbolic figures. The long-term savings program is more promising in this regard. Voluntary contributions for it are not very large, affordable for most Russians. And in 15 years, by the time you retire, a certain amount will have accumulated there, which will help you while away your old age.
— I agree. But if you think about it this way, it's better not to do anything at all. Yes, there are risks, the whole business is at risk. But, as you know, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
— I would suggest combining a deposit and long-term savings. Taking advantage of a convenient moment, put a certain amount at a high interest rate in a bank. And the remaining funds — in the NPF. In this program, it is important that your contribution is co-financed by the state. You contribute 36 thousand rubles per year, 3 thousand per month. This amount is affordable for almost all Russians. And if your monthly salary does not exceed 80 thousand rubles, the state transfers 36 thousand per year to your NPF account. As you can see, the yield is 100 percent. If you put this money on a bank deposit at 20%, the increase will be 7.2 thousand rubles, and in the NPF — 100%. It simply doesn't get any higher. It makes sense to invest the amount that the state provides for co-financing — 36 thousand rubles.
The expert believes that the program has had a fairly successful start: in six months, it has attracted almost a million participants. Nevertheless, it will not be on a large scale. After all, we all want to get money here and now.