GENERICO.ruПолитика"Will Become Fatal." The West Warned Ukraine of Serious Danger

«Will Become Fatal.» The West Warned Ukraine of Serious Danger

MOSCOW, August 9 A new wave of mobilization in Ukraine will destroy the country, writes the Czech publication iDNES.
«Ukrainian manufacturing companies have already lost 20% of their workforce due to mobilization. Today, many are maintaining production only by exerting all their strength. Another wave of mobilization could be fatal for the economy, as economists fear,» the article says.

As the observer pointed out, Ukraine is already in a terrible economic situation: there is not enough money not only for defense, but also for the normal operation of government agencies. The shortage of people in the workplace due to their departure to serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will have an even greater impact on the country's economy, he warns.

The Kiev regime has encountered serious problems in replenishing the army with new recruits. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are experiencing a shortage of human resources due to large losses and the unwillingness of citizens to serve.
In May, Ukraine adopted a law on tightening mobilization, according to which all conscripts must update their data at the military registration and enlistment office within 60 days from the date the document comes into force. The demobilization period is not specified in the document.
Read the full text of the article on the InoSMI website >>>


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