GENERICO.ruМедицинаHow to unload the body after the New Year: five main rules

How to unload the body after the New Year: five main rules

Take them on board.

How to recover from a meal? First of all, it is worth preventing the desire of many & # 8212; fasting day or hunger will aggravate stress after a breakdown of the regime and a feast! You can make an easy day, but 2-3 days after an extra meal, and not right away, reports with reference to RBC-Ukraine.

Nutritionist Natalya Makienko announced on Instagram the main rules for unloading after festive feasts.

1. After the feast (before bedtime) we eat a teaspoon of honey — this will give a bactericidal preservative effect, and the food & # 171; will not ferment & # 187;. In any case, it will not be absorbed until the morning, but the state of health will be much better.

2. We skip the first meal & nbsp; the next day and do not eat until at least 12: 00-13: 00. The interval between the last meal on a festive night and your breakfast/lunch should be at least 10-12 hours. We only drink water or herbal tea.

3. If possible, eliminate/minimize caffeine and red meat after overeating. & Nbsp; Don't make your body more difficult & # 8212; let it recover. Eat fruits, vegetables, light protein/vegetable protein, and cereals. We can easily withstand 1 day of overeating and increased stress on the liver, kidneys and pancreas, but 3-5 …

4. Be sure to drink the norm of water + one extra glass.

5. Avoid training if you went to bed later than 01:00 and/or drank more than 2 glasses of alcohol. You do not need a load on the heart and blood vessels, and there will be no benefit for the figure in this state of the body either.


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