Police officers in St. Petersburg detained a 26-year-old Chechen Seda Suleimanova, who had fled the republic. This is reported by the crisis group «SK SOS».
As the girl's partner Stanislav Kudryavtsev said, on the evening of August 23, he was returning from work. At the entrance he was met by four men, two of whom introduced themselves as police officers and showed documents. The other two, according to Kudryavtsev, were «Chechens in civilian clothes.» The security forces showed the man a photo of Suleymanova and demanded that he open the door of the apartment.
As Mediazone was told in SK SOS, at first Kudryavtsev did not want to open the door and refused. In response, the security forces threatened to take him to the police station, adding that they would «find grounds» for this.
The police claimed that the girl was suspected of stealing jewelry in the amount of 150 thousand rubles, and as a result, both the Chechen woman and her partner were taken to police station No. 54. Soon Kudryavtsev was released, saying that Suleymanova would be sent to Chechnya. Lawyer Mark Alekseev found out that the girl's fingerprints were taken, but they were not officially issued in any way. She was also not found at Pulkovo airport.
Now the whereabouts of Suleymanova is unknown. The security forces told Kudryavtsev that the girl would be handed over to the police department in the Leninsky district of Grozny, and the lawyer — to the police department in the Groznensky district of Chechnya.
The crisis group «SK SOS» writes that in the republic Suleymanova is threatened with «honor killing» — the girl's relatives were not satisfied with her lack of religiosity. The Chechen woman moved to St. Petersburg in January, and already in February her brothers tried to kidnap her, but she managed to escape. After that, Suleimanova changed her address of residence and work, but remained in the city.
Updated at 16:00. Added information about how Kudryavtsev opened the door to the apartment for the security forces.