МОСКВА, 27 мар. Премьер-министр России Михаил Мишустин назначил Константина Канарева торговым представителем РФ в Мьянме, соответствующее распоряжение размещено...
MOSCOW, 18 Jan. Ukrainian military exercises with dummies of machine guns surprised readers of the British newspaper Daily Mail. The day before, pictures appeared...
KRASNOYARSK, Jan 18 Test for the presence of coronavirus infection, made by the hermit Agafya Lykova from the reserve " Khakassky, "showed a negative...
LUHANSK, Jan 17The people's militia of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic claims that the journalists of the news agencies of France, Germany and Poland,...
Scheme of supplies from ORDLO published. According to the investigation, the People's Deputy from HLE, with the knowledge of the fifth president, blocked...
NUR-SULTAN, Jan 17 The Consulate General of Russia in Almaty will resume work from 24 January, the Russian diplomatic mission reported on Monday. Reception...