GENERICO.ruМедицинаAlarming symptoms of "silent" stroke named

Alarming symptoms of «silent» stroke named

What signs can indicate the development of & # 171; quiet & # 187; stroke.

The most common strokes are ischemic. They stem from the fact that a blood clot blocks the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. Some of these strokes are called & # 171; quiet & # 187; because their symptoms are very subtle, reports with reference to RBC-Ukraine.

As noted by the American Heart Association, most ischemic strokes pass quickly.

They develop from several minutes to several hours, and only immediate medical attention will help to avoid irreversible consequences and save a person's life.

Doctors called the signs of & # 171; quiet & # 187; stroke, in which you need to immediately seek help and call an ambulance.

The most common signs of a stroke are:

  • Sudden numbness or weakness in the muscles of the face, arm, or leg on one side of the body.
  • < li> Sudden confusion, sudden speech or vision problems.

  • Sudden difficulty walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.
  • Severe headache without known cause.
  • < li> In women, pain in the face, arms or legs, hiccups or nausea, chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath.

& # 171; Not all symptoms occur with every stroke and at the same time , sometimes they disappear and come back & # 187 ;, & # 8212; doctors emphasized.

Some symptoms may appear for only a few minutes, and then disappear. This may be a sign of a transient ischemic attack and the first sign of a stroke.

What are the causes of a stroke

According to doctors, the main causes of a stroke are an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of physical activity, alcohol consumption, drug addiction.

Constant anxiety, depression and high levels of stress also help the development of strokes.


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