Winter Kiev KYIV, January 12 The State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine did not allow the import from the Russian Federation of three children's books about cars and tests for babies because of Russian symbols, considering that they are aimed at «militarizing the consciousness of children,» the press service of the regulator said on Wednesday. allowed the Ukrainian importer to import three more children's books from the territory of Russia for distribution in Ukraine, in which the propaganda of the aggressor state was discovered … Children's books of the Russian publishing house «Publishing house» Prof-Press «» Poems about cars for kids «,» Transport «, «Tests for babies 2–3 years old» are designed for the smallest readers. Accordingly, they have a large number of illustrations that use the symbols of the aggressor state, its power and military structures, the symbols of the communist regime, «- says the message on the website of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting. An Uzbek man in clothes with Russian symbols was not allowed to enter Ukraine Experts considered that these books are aimed at «militarizing the consciousness of children, fostering imperial thinking, loyal and even approving attitude to wars and conflicts.» , including because of the laudatory poem about the RF Armed Forces and the emphasis among the merits of Catherine II of the increase in the Russian army. At the end of 2016, the then President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko signed a law on a mechanism to restrict access to the Ukrainian market of printed materials of «anti-Ukrainian content» from RF. The authorities expect that these measures will stimulate the Ukrainian market of printed products, in particular, there will be an order of magnitude more Ukrainian books. Now for the import of printed materials to Ukraine, the approval of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting is required.