GENERICO.ruВ миреIn Sofia, eight police officers were injured during antiquity riots

In Sofia, eight police officers were injured during antiquity riots

Protesters against the introduction of «green» certificates in front of the building of the People's Assembly in the capital of Bulgaria. MOSCOW, 12 Jan. Eight police officers were injured during the riots when anti-corruption protesters tried to enter the building of the People's Assembly (Parliament) in the Bulgarian capital Sofia, according to the Bulgarian National Television (BNT). «. It was attended by thousands of people from different cities of the country, who arrived in Sofia by buses. Earlier it was reported that protesters against the «green certificates» broke through the police cordon around the parliament and tried to storm the door of the building, which was barricaded by the National Security Service with tables and other improvised objects. The number of law enforcement officers injured in clashes, according to the latest data, has doubled — to eight. Many of them sustained rib injuries, and five of the injured police officers were taken to the emergency room of the Military Medical Academy. After examination and consultations with specialists, they were released for home treatment. At about 4 p.m. (5 p.m. Moscow time), the protesters gathered around the parliament went to the building of the Ministry of Health. Apart from chanting slogans, the procession is proceeding peacefully, the situation has calmed down. was forced to isolate himself due to contact with the infected coronavirus. According to him, otherwise he would have met with the protesters on the square in front of the parliament. At the same time, the head of government categorically stated that the sanitary certificates that are issued to vaccinated or ill citizens will not be canceled under any circumstances.


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