GENERICO.ruМедицинаDr. Komarovsky told how to reduce blood pressure without pills

Dr. Komarovsky told how to reduce blood pressure without pills

Don't rush to take pills.

Dr. Komarovsky told the Ukrainians how fight a common problem in old age & # 8212; high blood pressure, reports with reference to RBC-Ukraine.

The medic recalled that headache is not a symptom of high blood pressure. All the other way around & # 8212; this is due to a headache, pressure may increase.

& # 171; You need to know what to do about it. For example, a person comes home and has a headache. He thinks: I probably have high blood pressure. A person measures the pressure, sees a little increased there, swallows some kind of pill and sits waiting. After a while, she calls an ambulance, she gives him an injection, gets lucky somewhere, all this starts to work together, the person's blood pressure drops sharply, and this dramatically increases the risk of ischemic stroke & # 187; & # 8212; Komarovsky said.

Komarovsky advises first of all to take a horizontal position, and then call your family doctor.

Signs of high blood pressure

  • Increased anxiety.
  • Rapid heartbeat .
  • Redness of the face.
  • Shortness of breath and dizziness.
  • Headache and pressure in the temples.
  • Chest pain in the region of the heart .
  • Visual acuity decreases.

How to determine blood pressure without a tonometer

Feel the pulse on the carotid artery or wrist. If the pulse is fast and well felt even with light pressure, the blood pressure is likely to be high. You can also use your fitness bracelet or smartwatch, which often has a heart rate function.


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