GENERICO.ruЭкономикаFinancial advisor told how to postpone the "airbag"

Financial advisor told how to postpone the «airbag»

The expert told how to accumulate capital.

In Ukraine, many seek accumulate certain funds to form & # 171; airbags & # 187; for confidence in the future, and capital, which in the future will allow you not to experience financial difficulties, while the possibilities for each are different, as are the monthly expenses. The expert gave advice on how you can plan spending and save for the future, not go into debt, and in what currency to keep your savings. financial success, financial advisor in one of the Ukrainian companies Oleksandra Grudzevich.

About budget planning

According to her, the main thing in financial planning is & # 8212; have an idea of ​​your income and expenses for a month or a week. Taking the calendar, we can determine when we would like to go on vacation, buy equipment or update our wardrobe, move it under seasonal discounts to spend less, and so on.

& # 171; At the same time, the level of savings depends on the family budget: someone can afford to save for several purposes, someone & # 8212; just one. However, you should not be too scattered, it makes sense to set yourself no more than 3 big goals for a certain period & # 187;, & # 8212; noted the specialist.

It is desirable that these goals be stretched throughout the year and not overlap, she added.

Feasibility of loans

As for credit loans, the expert drew attention to their pros and cons. The decisive factor here is the understanding that funds for a refund will be guaranteed.

& # 171; If we talk about a mortgage or a car, then often people lack only 30-40% of the total purchase price, and then a loan will also be appropriate. Against such loans & # 8212; the fact that the funds are hard to give. And often people start to take out a loan for a loan, and this is already called getting into a debt hole & # 187; & # 8212; she said.

It is important to calculate your strength in advance, and if, for example, a loan is 40 thousand hryvnias, and the family's income is 20 thousand, then this amount will not be repaid in less than 7-8 months, taking into account & # 171; dripping & # 187; percent, added Grudziewicz.

How much is better to save

According to the general rule of financial literacy, it is advised to save at least 10%, the expert says.

& # 171; But here we are only talking about funds for oneself now or for retirement in the future. Therefore, if you want to retire in the future, and to save something for yourself, then there should be more than 10% & # 187 ;, & # 8212; She pointed out.

So, only after receiving income, it immediately needs to be distributed in envelopes or & # 171; banks & # 187 ;, a financial trainer recommends.

& # 171; This is a phenomenon that operates according to Parkinson's law that our psyche spends everything that is available to it. If you hide a little from yourself, then there is a great chance that these funds remain & # 187 ;, & # 8212; the specialist advised.

In what currency to store savings

As for the currency of savings, then, according to Grudzevich, it all depends on what you are saving money for.

So, when planning a trip, conditionally, to rest in the Carpathians in a couple of months, you will need a hryvnia, and there is no point in exchanging funds & # 8212; you will lose on commission and rate differences.

If we talk, for example, about purchasing computer equipment that you want to buy abroad, then it makes sense to invest in dollars.

& # 171 ; Savings for something that you will be saving for more than six months should be divided 50/50: currency and hryvnia. If you are planning to buy a car, then you should postpone it in foreign currency, because the prices for cars are tied to it. Therefore, for different purposes there may be different currencies & # 187;, & # 8212; she said.

Long-term deposits and the creation of a safety cushion

Savings instruments are also different. For example, if you postpone for a vacation, which will be in October, then now you can open a deposit for 9 months with the right to replenish and save money there, says Grudzevich.

& # 171; If we talk about securities, then it is a tool for long-term savings. Investments have long terms & # 8212; this is everything that is more than 10 years old, so if you have a goal in 2 years to buy a car, then securities or real estate & # 8212; not your instrument. Either a deposit or OVGZ & # 187 ;, & # 8212; the expert explained.

She also does not recommend postponing for the so-called & # 171; rainy day & # 187;, but forming an airbag.

& # 171; Airbag & # 8212; this is what life can provide for us, for example, for six months. In general, you need to postpone until you postpone capital that can keep you until the end of your life & # 187; & # 8212; said the financial coach.


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