Fueling nozzles at gas stations. File photoMOSCOW, Jan 19 If the fuel indicator starts flashing, you can still get to the nearest gas station. But if the car has already stopped, and there is no gas station nearby, you should not panic, you need to remember all the obvious ways to get out of the situation, Maxim Ryazanov, technical director of the Fresh Auto car dealership network, told the Prime agency. You can call friends if you are relatively close to your hometown or hitchhike to the nearest gas station, not forgetting a metal canister (according to fire safety regulations, gas station workers are prohibited from pouring gasoline into plastic), or stop a passing car with a request to be towed to a gas station. You can also call a taxi and ask the driver to buy and bring fuel. In addition, there are specialized services that help on the roads, Ryazanov listed. At the same time, he warned against the most «exotic» way to use an alternative flammable liquid (containing ethanol, without reconfiguring the ECU). «It is important to understand that this option is very extreme and directly depends from what you pour into the tank. Yes, alcohol, vodka or whiskey will allow you to drive a dozen kilometers. But after that you will have to do a serious flushing of the fuel system, and this is not a cheap pleasure, «the agency interlocutor warned. The expert explained what kind of gasoline is better to fill the car in winter