Add these foods to your diet.
One of the causes of disease joints is malnutrition.«Dairy products as we know from childhood — the most accessible source of calcium. We were assured: «Drink milk and eat cottage cheese so that the bones are strong». Therefore, we primarily associate calcium with the building material for teeth and bones», — the specialist noted.
If this mineral is not enough, the body takes it from the bone tissue, which leads to osteoporosis (thinning of the bones), the doctor specified.
Not only the bones of the arms and legs suffer, but also the spine. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that you have enough calcium.⠀
However, dairy products should not be abused. They should take their share in our diet. After all, calcium is also found in vegetables, cereals, and meat and fish.⠀
Vitamin D in the diet is also important.
«Health bones and joints are affected and vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium, vitamin C, protein and more. To maintain joint health, the balance of BJU, minerals and vitamins in our diet is very important», — Svetlana told.
What to include in your diet
Foods rich in sulfur and selenium.
Selenium is a very important trace element for joint health. He participates in the processes of their nutrition and hydration. You can enrich your diet with selenium using foods such as Brazil nuts, fish (sardines, salmon, herring), garlic, eggs, chicken and turkey, beef liver, mushrooms, cottage cheese, cereals and legumes.⠀⠀
Sulfur is found in sufficient quantities in foods that contain protein — all types of meat and fish, legumes, cereals, eggs, dairy products. The main thing is to use these products in adequate quantities.⠀⠀