GENERICO.ruМедицинаYou won’t get fat from them: carbohydrates that should be eaten on a diet are named

You won’t get fat from them: carbohydrates that should be eaten on a diet are named

Choose complex carbohydrate foods.

Not all carbohydrates are created equal. And each of them performs a specific function in our body. How to choose carbohydrates in order to stay slim and not get fat? complex carbohydrates.

Grains (especially gluten-free):

  • buckwheat,
  • quinoa,
  • < li>amaranth,

  • millet,
  • brown rice — less often,
  • If there are no problems with gluten tolerance, then durum wheat pasta can be used,
  • leavened bread, preferably from whole grain cereals,
  • cereals containing gluten — give preference to those that cook longer 20 minutes (hercules, spelled, spelled, etc.).

Baked starchy vegetables:

  • baked beets,
  • baked pumpkin,
  • baked potatoes,
  • yam,
  • baked carrots.

A also be aware of resistant starches, which is not broken down by pancreatic enzymes, it goes to the bacteria of our large intestine, nourishing its microflora.

  • Refrigerated potatoes,
  • chilled rice and pasta,
  • < li> beans (prefer green — fresh, in favor of cooked),

  • green bananas,
  • green banana flour — I love making desserts from it.


Regulations: Do not eat more than one sweet fruit per day from this list.

  • 1 banana,
  • 150 g mango,
  • 150 g pineapple,
  • 1 persimmon,
  • 150 g grapes,
  • 2 figs.

Try to eat no more than 40 grams of fructose, but it is better to keep the norm no more than 25 grams, if you have metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance, for example), then no more than 15 grams.

The rest of the time, eat low GI fruits, that's less than 55!

Also eat fiber in your diet if you want to lower the overall glycemic load of a meal.


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