The moon has a serious impact on the processes that occur in our body, and on losing weight — first of all. < /strong>
Moon days are the best guide to weight loss, so you should check your weight loss schedule with them. About which days are favorable for this, and which are not, the lunar weight loss calendar for February 2022 will tell.
February 1 — 1, 2 lunar days, new moon in the sign Aquarius ;
The day is not suitable for weight loss.
February 2 — 3rd lunar day, the waxing moon in the sign Aquarius
The day is not suitable for weight loss.
February 3 &# 8212; 4th lunar day, growing Moon in the sign Pisces
Neutral day for weight loss — it is undesirable to starve and fast.
February 4 — 5th lunar day, the growing moon in the sign  ;Pisces
Neutral day for weight loss.
February 5 — 6th lunar day, crowning Moon in the sign Aries
Neutral day for weight loss, however, you should not starve and fast today.
February 6 — 7th lunar day, growing Moon in Aries
The day is favorable for weight loss. Fasting or therapeutic fasting will give a good result, which can be carried out only after consulting a doctor.
February 7 — 8th lunar day, growing The Moon in the sign Taurus
The day is favorable for weight loss. Therapeutic fasting — of course, prescribed by your doctor — will not only help you get rid of excess weight, but also replenish the lost energy necessary for life and work.
February 8 – 9- th lunar day, the growing moon in the sign Taurus
The day is not good for weight loss. Fasting and fasting days — with the blessing of the attending physician — will not cause the loss of extra pounds, but will help cleanse the body of toxins.
February 9 — 10th lunar day, the waxing Moon in the sign Taurus
The day is not suitable for losing weight. It is strongly not recommended to starve, fast and arrange fasting days — they will not bring benefits, but the harm can be very noticeable.
February 10 — 11th lunar day , the growing Moon in the sign Gemini
The day is favorable for weight loss. The best result will give curative fasting, which should be decided only after the permission of the attending physician.
February 11 — 12th lunar day, growing moon  ;in Gemini
Neutral day for weight loss — fasting and fasting today is not recommended.
February 12 — 13th lunar day, growing moon in the sign Cancer
It is recommended to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins by spending fasting days with pure water, herbal teas and vitamin decoctions.
February 13 – 14th lunar day, crescent moon in the sign Cancer
The day is not suitable for weight loss.
February 14 — The 15th lunar day, the waxing Moon in the sign Cancer
The day is suitable for losing weight and starting a diet — the main thing is to consult with your doctor.
February 15 – The 16th lunar day, the waxing Moon in the sign Leo
Neutral day for weight loss. If necessary, you can arrange fasting days or make a detox menu — they will help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
February 16 — 17th lunar day,  ;full moon in Leo
Nice day for weight loss. In nutrition, moderation must be observed, overeating will negatively affect the state of the body. It is also necessary to give up heavy, fatty, fried and oversaturated with spices food.
February 17 — The 18th lunar day, waning moon in the sign Virgo
The day is favorable for laying down weight loss programs. Therapeutic fasting will not only help get rid of diseases, but also cleanse the body.
February 18 — 19th lunar day, waning moon < /strong>in the sign Virgo
The day is unfavorable for weight loss.
It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that can irritate the intestinal walls: sausage, smoked meat, sausages, sausages and fast food.
February 19 — 20th lunar day, waning moon in the sign Libra
The day is favorable for weight loss. You can starve, fast, go on a diet and arrange unloading — for example, apple or kefir — days. True, the most radical methods of dietary restriction must be agreed with the attending physician.
February 20 — 21st lunar day, waning moon in the sign Libra
The day is not suitable for weight loss.
21—February 22 – 22nd lunar day, waning moon < /strong>in Libra and Scorpio
The 22nd lunar day, which will last for two days, is neutral for weight loss. It is undesirable to refuse food — without a load, the stomach can begin to «eat» yourself from the inside.
February 23 – 23rd lunar day, waning moon in the sign Scorpio
The day is favorable for losing weight — you can start starving and fasting, having secured the blessing of your doctor in advance.
February 24 — 24 th lunar day, waning moon in the sign Sagittarius
The day is not suitable for weight loss.
February 25 — 25th lunar day, waning moon in the sign Scorpio
The day is favorable for weight loss . Fasting and therapeutic fasting will give the best result — refusal of food will have a healing effect on the body. Of course, this can be done only after the permission of the attending physician.
February 26 — 26th lunar day, waning moon in the sign Capricorn
The day is favorable for weight loss — you can go on a diet, start fasting and a cycle of curative starvation, as well as arrange fasting days.
February 27 — 27th lunar day, waning moon in Capricorn
Unfavorable day for weight loss.
February 28 — 28th lunar day, waning moon in the sign  ;Aquarius
The day is not good for weight loss.