MOSCOW, May 23rd. The United States has taken another step towards the status of «tyranny», Fox News host Tucker Carlson expressed this opinion. Thus, the journalist reacted to the initiative of the Democratic Party to empower law enforcement agencies to pursue «domestic terrorists.» «However, we are one step away approached tyranny — despite the fact that we may already live under it thanks to one document, which in the House of Representatives was dubbed the draft law on combating domestic terrorism,» the journalist said. . «In other words, this bill directs the FBI — the largest law enforcement agency in the United States — to track Joe Biden's detractors,» he added. According to Carlson, the document «gives the right to people with weapons to make arrests,» while there is a risk that the bill could be abused. In China, Russia predicted the end of US and Western dominance because of Russia Earlier, Carlson called the lack of food in the US a harbinger of the soon fall of the American empire.