An image of a lettuce that «defeated» British Prime Minister Liz Truss, who resigned, was projected on the walls of the British ParliamentMOSCOW, 21 Oct.An image of a lettuce that «won» over resigning British Prime Minister Liz Truss was projected on the walls of the British Parliament to the side of Big Ben, the Daily Star newspaper writes. British bookmakers have previously offered to bet that Truss will step down as prime minister in 35 days — the time it takes for lettuce to decompose. However, just six days after the Daily Star launched a video broadcast of the “race” between Truss and lettuce, the prime minister resigned. Following Truss' statement, the video was captioned «lettuce outlived Truss.» «The 60p Daily Star salad winner who outlived soon-to-be ex-premier Liz Truss made it to the House of Commons: his face… was displayed on the famous walls of Westminster palace,» the statement said. The publication published a video showing a projected image of a salad with eyes and a wig and the signature of the Daily Star newspaper. The Palace of Westminster was built in the middle of the 19th century on the site of a medieval palace. Some of its parts — several halls and one of the towers — date back to the 11th century. One of its towers, called Big Ben after the largest of the six bells, is considered a symbol of Britain. The palace is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. announced her resignation on Thursday, noting that she will remain as head of the cabinet until her successor is elected. Truss had only been Prime Minister for 44 days at the time of her resignation, making her the shortest-serving prime minister in British history. » />Lettuce won the «race» against Truss, media reported