A car that came under fire at a crossing in the Kherson regionLUGANSK, Oct 21 LPR representative in Russia Rodion Miroshnik believes that the United States is killing civilians in Kherson at the hands of Ukrainians using the HIMARS MLRS. «You remember that every HIMARS missile can be blocked by the Americans, but it is not blocked. They set the missiles, indicated the target, allowed the shelling and blessed the killing of civilians. And so the United States does not participate in any conflict and honors international humanitarian law,» he wrote on his Telegram channel. Ukrainian troops launched a missile attack from the HIMARS MLRS on the crossing in Kherson on Thursday evening. The death toll has risen to four people, several people are injured, they are receiving assistance, said Kirill Stremousov, deputy head of the regional administration. Based on a three-axle FMTV wheeled chassis of the US Army, it can carry six rockets or one ATACMS operational-tactical ballistic missile, the effective range for certain types of projectiles is up to 80 kilometers. In the Kherson region, they told about the dead from attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine