GENERICO.ruНаукаRussia will use 3D printing to heal body tissues

Russia will use 3D printing to heal body tissues

MOSCOW, March 29 Scientists of the Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology have developed a new technology for heterophase 3D printing with biopolymers for the production of implants and matrices for accelerated healing and restoration of bone tissue and soft tissues of the body, Russian technology is distinguished by the special accuracy of the resulting implants, said project manager Pavel Tsygankov.
“During the project, a technology was developed that allows printing products of complex shape. Using this approach, it is possible to develop implants to accelerate tissue regeneration processes, as well as various three-dimensional matrices for cell growth,” Tsygankov said.

According to him, the technology is completely Russian. Scientists have developed the design of the printer itself and the extruder. Their design allows the use of an expanded range of «inks» — materials that can be used for printing.

In addition, during the project, a special heterophase system was developed: a supporting environment in which the print object is formed, that is, the future matrix or implant. It is she who allows you to accurately set the geometric and other characteristics of the product and print with low viscosity ink.
As the press service of the university clarified, similar technologies are already used in the world to print tissues and simple organs, however, the Russian development makes it possible to more accurately 3D print, which will make it possible to produce both complex medical products from biopolymers, and, subsequently , various tissues and organs.
In the near future, scientists plan to create a sample of an implant for healing injuries and regenerating bone tissue and soft tissues and conduct its laboratory and clinical studies. In the future, the use of such products will significantly accelerate the healing and recovery of various injuries.
«This development is an example of how the task of 3D printing of human tissues made it possible to realize an idea with competencies from different branches of chemistry: polymer chemistry, chemistry of composite materials and chemical technology. As a result, this led to the birth of a new product that will help to significantly improve the quality of life of people,» he stressed. O. Ilya Vorotyntsev, Rector of the Russian Chemical Technical University.
The new printing technology should make it possible in the future to produce 3D printers that are more accessible to Russian researchers. The project is being implemented within the program of the Ministry of Education and Science «Priority 2030″. /aritmiiya-1859020158.html» data-title=»FEFU doctors have mastered a unique technology for the treatment of arrhythmia»>


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