GENERICO.ruВ миреSyria wants to revise agreements with Arab countries after returning to the Arab League

Syria wants to revise agreements with Arab countries after returning to the Arab League

DAMASK, Jun 15 Syria reviews economic agreements with Arab countries to restore the former level of relations after its return to the League of Arab States (LAS), said Syrian Finance Minister Kanaan Yag.
«There are bilateral agreements within the framework of joint Arab actions on the economy, Syria has also returned to the financial and economic institutions. There is a review of all the agreements that took place between Syria and the Arab countries in order to restore the level of those relations,» he said.
According to him, the Syrian government is also doing everything possible to restore the infrastructure destroyed in the country.
«There are talks about intensifying and accelerating the recovery process in a way that will contribute to the stabilization of the economic and social situation in Syria in the future,» the minister added.
The Arab countries following the results of negotiations with the leadership of Syria in May decided to return the membership of this country in the League of Arab States, which was frozen in 2011 due to the internal situation in Syria.


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