GENERICO.ruРоссияEstonia has promised to allow Russian ambulances across the border, despite the ban on the entry of cars from...

Estonia has promised to allow Russian ambulances across the border, despite the ban on the entry of cars from Russia

The Estonian Tax and Customs Department, in response to a request from the BBC Russian Service, promised to allow ambulances with Russian license plates to cross the border. “We <…> We provide safe and efficient passage for people in need of medical care,” the message says.

1ArticleThe car will not pass. What has changed in the rules for entry into the European Union from Russia

“Yes, ambulances are exempt from the restrictions mentioned in the rules. <…> For example, when an ambulance with Russian license plates arrives from Russia to Estonia, then, following the rules, we allow it to cross the border,” the service added.

On September 8, the European Commission published new clarifications on sanctions against Russia. Entering the territory of the European Union with cars purchased or registered in Russia can be considered as importing them, and this is prohibited by the eighth package of sanctions adopted in October 2022.

After news of new restrictions, the BBC Russian Service -si” told the story of a resident of Mariupol with terminal stage cancer, who was transported across the border of Russia and Estonia in a wheelchair. Volunteers did not enter the border checkpoint in an ambulance, “fearing the confiscation of a car with Russian license plates.” In this regard, the publication contacted Estonian customs.


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