GENERICO.ruПроисшествияProperty worth 100 million rubles was seized from the deputy head of the Federal Tax Service department

Property worth 100 million rubles was seized from the deputy head of the Federal Tax Service department

The deputy head of the Federal Tax Service department had property worth 100 million rubles seized

In St. Petersburg, the prosecutor's office approved the indictment against the ex-deputy head of the desk inspection department of the RF MIFTS No. 18 and her husband. writes about this.

According to the investigation, last fall the accused ex-employee of the Federal Tax Service handed over information about the financial and economic activities of one of the joint-stock companies for money. In particular, the Russian woman handed over tax reports, as well as the personal data of the general director, information about his property and income. For this she was paid 50 thousand rubles, and the company itself and its head suffered material damage in the amount of over 7 million rubles.

The spouses were accused of disclosing information constituting a tax secret and exceeding official powers in their personal interests . During the investigation, the property of the accused with a total value of over 100 million rubles was seized. In addition, foreign currency worth more than 25 million rubles was confiscated from them.


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