GENERICO.ruНаукаIn the United States they began working on a secret project in the field of AI, the media learned

In the United States they began working on a secret project in the field of AI, the media learned

MOSCOW, July 13. OpenAI, the company that created ChatGPT, is working on a new project codenamed Strawberry, Reuters writes, citing sources.
«The document describes a project that uses Strawberry to enable artificial intelligence to do more than just generate responses to requests, but also to plan ahead so that you can confidently operate online, as well as autonomously and reliably navigate the Internet to perform what OpenAI calls “deep research,” the publication clarifies.

Noted , that currently no artificial intelligence model has such characteristics.

“According to the interlocutor, the operating principle of Strawberry is kept in the strictest confidence even within OpenAI,” the publication clarifies.
Reuters notes that at an internal meeting of OpenAI employees, an AI was shown that has human thinking skills, and is considered a potential Strawberry.
Earlier, American entrepreneur Elon Musk said that in the future, robots and artificial intelligence will be able to provide people with any goods and services, and work will become a hobby for people. Musk has also repeatedly spoken out about the threats to the development of artificial intelligence technologies. Specifically, in April, Musk warned of the dangers of training artificial intelligence to be politically correct, pointing out that such AI, instead of generating tolerant images, could «make them a reality, likely to kill millions of people and achieve diversity goals.»


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