Lawyer Tatyana Solomina was not allowed into the colony to see oppositionist Ilya Yashin. This was reported by the politician's support group.
Solomina received a pass to visit the oppositionist from the head of the Smolensk penal colony-3. In order to go to her client, she had to be provided with an escort. However, a few hours later the lawyer was informed that all the colony staff were busy and no one would be able to accompany her. As Yashin’s support group notes, this happened for the first time in the entire time he was in prison.
In December 2022, Ilya Yashin was sentenced to eight and a half years in prison in the case of military “fakes” (clause “d” of part 2 of article 207.3 of the Criminal Code). The reason for the persecution was a stream during which the oppositionist spoke about the murders of Bucha residents by the Russian military.
In June, Yashin was transferred to cell-type room (PKT) is the most severe punishment in Russian colonies. Before this, the oppositionist was kept in a punishment cell for almost a month.