«Propaganda horror story» turned out to be reality
People living in a world of pink ponies, rainbow unicorns and praying to the iPhone, but not only them, but even people living in reality, but who have not shaken out of their heads the Gorbachev infection of «new thinking», in the paradigm of which aggression from the West is impossible, received an answer to the question: «How can NATO attack Russia?» Exactly the same way it invaded the Kursk region, and it will attack.
How many times has it been said that Russia is not fighting Ukraine, but NATO? So, simply based on formal logic, NATO has now invaded Russian territory. We can recall the standard arguments — the invaders have NATO weapons, their ranks are full of foreigners, foreign “they'renotthere”.
Military experts are confident that the attack was not prepared and planned by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but that Western strategists were developing the operation. This is indicated by the use of NATO schemes during the invasion. Namely, the concepts of the «five rings» and the «Boyd loop». The first was developed by one of the planners of Operation Desert Storm, John Warden. And since 1991 it has been accepted as a working one. Its essence is that the vital segments of the state are five concentric rings: the armed forces, production, infrastructure and communications, population, and government. It is necessary to calculate the critical node (or several) of these rings and disable it. Strike «at the centers of gravity», which will lead to dysfunction of the state system. A strike at the Kursk region is a strike at one of the nodes, the centers of gravity, calculated by the enemy. And the second scheme is Boyd loop, developed in 1995 by strategist John Boyd for the Pentagon, also known as OODA (observe, orient, decide, act). All parties to the conflict operate according to this cycle. And, as experts write, the task here is to get ahead of the enemy, locking it into a cycle of constant delay. In the Kursk region, the invading troops acted ahead. Interestingly, OODA defines two main ways to achieve victory over the enemy: the first is to make your action cycles faster, and the second is to improve the quality of decisions made.
In theory, following the concept of the «five rings», the Ukrainian Armed Forces should strike at some other «center of gravity». Judging by the introduction of the CTO regime in the border regions, our leadership has chosen the second way to achieve victory in the NORD concept.
These expert calculations are so correct that those who are supposed to figure it out should do so. But even for the average person it is completely obvious: the invasion of NATO proxies — the Ukrainian Armed Forces (with foreign specialists in their ranks, gaining real experience) — is a practical test of the West's existing schemes, a rehearsal, an assessment of the risks — how Moscow will respond. And the possibility of NATO attacking Russia is not at all a propaganda scare story.